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Here are Woodys Cycles Winter Hours starting December 1st

Monday  9-5

Tuesday 9-5

Wednesday Closed

Thursday Closed

Friday 9-5

Saturday 9-2

Sunday Closed

Just wanted to let everyone know that Woody's Cycles is closed Novermber 3- Novermer 10th. The  salvage  yard will be closed November 3 -November 17th.

Thank you


All KTM brand hard parts are now 30% off!  We have a large selection of KTM hard parts in stock and may have what you need.


 Well the riding season is coming to an end, here at Woody's Cycles and we just wanted to let everyone know that October 5th 2024 will be the last day to ride.  After that, the trails will be closed until next year.   The shop will still be opened our regular hours, of course, and we will be read more...

We have our, in stock, Thor Offroad helmets on sale! Regular  $ 149.95 on for     $ 119.95 + tax


All in stock  KTM OEM parts and accessories, at Woodys Cycles,  are 20% off .

Note please our Beta and KTM PARTS SEARCH FICHE are available in the "on sale " column above  thanks woody

Just a note from the trailhead that our trail are not ready to be ridden anywhere except your place , as ive been in the forest here in Perth every single  day my obsevations are that the dense and shaded portions of our forest trails are still wet to snowy with underlying frost conditions very read more...

Be sure to call us for great deals on your new KTM or Beta offroad or dual sport sportsmotorcycle. Test rides are available on assigned models call us for info , Woody

Locally produced resonably priced oils and race gas for your KTM and BETA and dirt and street bikes /race bikes and super sport units On our shelves and or easily availably all products tested in house on my race teams bikes and road bikes . The race gas is available in leaded or unleaded in you read more...

Carolin and i were present this week for the grand opening of new 17000 sq ft home of KTM Canada We were amazed at the new facility built from the ground up . we toured the building with other dealers and many vip KTM employees from around the world . The new building is home for Husqvarna as read more...

With 4 out of 4 possible wins in the GP vintage , scroring 84 out of a possible 88 points on the season the woodys cycles team has been awarded the coveted # 1 plate to run for the 2016 season .on both my 250 gp bike and our cbr endurance bike .This award cuminates a 3 year return to the read more...

Woody's Cycles is proud to announce that Ken Beach is a 2013 International Six Day Enduro Bronze Metalist. It was a lot of hard work, but Ken did extremely well, and has plans on competing in the 2015 ISDE.

Congratulations Ken, we are very proud of you.

Well ...finally we have the Calabogie north side trail system((the Wabin Mountain Riding Area) completely cleaned after i made several trips this year and with some help from other riders  weve gotten a nice job .So if your into some great riding the basic loop is pretty simple to find and read more...

We have now completed clearing all  but a couple of short sections of the Wabin mountain trail network With the BMA MNR land use agreement pending i hope to accomplish these duties asap and get to an official opening date for Aug or sept thanks woody

A great weekend  at the roadrace track produced 2 more wins in GP and period 4 middleweight. This give me a very solid lead to work with with 2 race weekends left i at Mosport in Aug and i at st Eustache in Sept If you have not seen these VRRA bikes and riders put Mossport on you Aug event list read more...

I raced the VRRA event at shannonville june 1,2.With the help of my good friend and crew chief to the stars Peter Snell i placed first in period 4 middle weight and in the inaugural gp cl ass.My much loved Honda rs 250 ran very fast after a 15 year rest and showed the 4 stroke crowd me tail read more...

2013 will mark our return to roadracing .MY 1989 ex pro 250 gp Honda ( in KTM orange ) of course will again race ...this time with the VRRA racing group...beginning at the end of May at Shannonvillle.

Thanks to the efforts of some key persons in the Bytowne Motorcycle Ass"n our much loved and enjoyed Wabin Mountain trail system is again reopened ...with the signs removed  in the next 2 weeks .so by mid May we will be riding all trail except the Lost saint and the wonderland ...with the read more...

This is it. Hope you like it.

Thanks to my web designer, Sebastien @
Take the time to give feedback and let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.

KTM CEO purchases Husqvarna from BMW. This is quite a rabbit from the hat, considering Europe’s anti-trust laws.

We will have to wait and see how this turns out. Stay tuned.

The strongest growth was posted in the off-road competition segment. The 2 best sellers were the 500 EXC street legal enduro, and the 350 SX-F motocross.